Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hi again, So I wanted to talk to you all about the demon(s) that have attacked and tormented me for months on end. I remember one night when my spirit guide warned me that they were coming, I thought she was being silly and ignored her warnings. That’s when the nightmares began, the same dream over and over again; a wolf type figure with red eyes telling me it was going to hurt me. I let this go on for a few months, then one night I woke up; I couldn’t move it was like someone or something was sitting on me. Between a few friends we came up with a few ideas of what it was that was attacking/tormenting me.

A few months after determining the few things that it could possibly be, I somehow became possessed by this demon figure; not once, not twice... 3 times. several times happened during webcam sessions with my friend and co-blogger Emily Griffin.
After these possessions that happened, I finally somehow banished the demon, or so I had thought. I still occasionally sense the demon outside my window, but it cannot seem to pass through into my room anymore.

Rebecca Smith
"To Trust, respect, challenge, Educate and seek the truth"

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