Friday, May 3, 2013

Welcome to E.R. Paranormal

Blog entry by: Emily Griffin

Welcome to our new blog, E.R. Paranormal! Rebecca and I have been discussing starting this blog for a few months now and we are very excited to finally be launching it. I’ve had a passive interest in the paranormal since I was about 16 (mostly just watching various paranormal T.V. Shows like most people do) but I’ve but I’ve become seriously interested in it about a year ago while watching “Paranormal State” and started doing my own research. I also have a desire to start my own paranormal team and help educate others in regards to the paranormal. So for me, this is that start of hopefully something big!

I’ve always been one to want to help others somehow and to make a difference in someone’s life in some way. Some people I know say I have but I don’t know, how can one know for sure? Regardless, My passion for wanting to help others deal with their paranormal experiences and to educate other’s on investigation safety, along with many other aspects of the paranormal started when I started to watch “Paranormal State” on Netflix after the show had just finished their final season. I learned through the Penn. State Paranormal Research Society (now just Paranormal Research Society (PRS)) that there is more to “Ghost hunting” than just going into an old abandoned building and harassing spirits for shits and giggles. I never knew that it was more than looking like an idiot on camera trying to get a ghost to somehow make it known by appearing as a mist or knocking on the wall. I learned that normal people can be scared shitless because a spirit has been bothering them in their own home. A child can’t sleep at night because of a witch in the closet. A family is driven out of their own home because of a demon. Whatever the reason, people don’t know what to do in regards to the paranormal and are scared.  People are scared and PRS taught me that you can help people come to terms, help them banish the spirit, reclaim their homes or business’ or whatever needs to be done for the particular case. It’s more than wanting to prove spirits exist. I don’t need to prove to myself or other’s that ghosts, demons, angels, fairies, Fae and elementals exist to anyone. Can I give the reasons for why I believe in these things? Yes but I’m not here to change anybody’s mind, just here to provide the information that I have learned and what I believe to be true.

I wanted to start this blog because I want to share what I have learned and what I will learn in regards to the Paranormal. I am Roman Catholic, so in some cases I will come from a Catholic perspective but I will do my best to do my research in regards to other faiths. You as the reader are more than welcome to disagree with what I post on here. Discussions and constructive criticism is always a positive thing.  I am not claiming to be an expert by any means, I’m far from it. This blog is going to be a process for me to be a part of my learning process and my experiences.

I have had a few paranormal experiences of my own but I’ve only been freaked out a couple times. I have never had a negative experience that I recall, unless you count the usual “monster under the bed” phase from when we are all children. Despite only having minor experiences, they have in their own way played a part in my interest in the paranormal. So, sharing my experiences and knowledge means allot to me and I want to share that with you. I hope you follow me on this journey.

I don’t want to make this post too terribly long, so I am going to wrap it up here. I am very excited about the future of this blog and what is to come.

Do what you will, Harm none,
Emily Griffin
"To Trust, respect, challenge, Educate and seek the truth"

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